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Who Needs a Bullseye Wrist Band?

Many people associate TFCC injuries with athletes, but they actually affect a wide range of people.

TFCC tears can happen suddenly as the result of falling on an outstretched hand — or through repetitive use and long-term stresses. So clearly athletes, especially those who use a bat, racket or club, are at risk for ulnar sided wrist pain. 

However, ulnar wrist tendinitis is also common among many other professions, including:

man's hands typing on laptop wearing bullseye brace wrist band
  • Factory workers
  • Bakers/Cooks
  • Carpenters
  • Cashiers
  • Office workers
  • Hairstylists
  • Hobbyists
  • Mechanics
  • Painters
  • Photographers 
  • Electricians
  • Farmers
  • Weight lifters
  • Dishwashers
  • Lumber jacks
  • Deliverymen
  • Woodworkers
  • Plumbers
  • Gardeners
  • Machinists

If you perform any action involving your forearms, wrists or fingers, over and over and over, every single day, you’re likely to experience ulnar sided wrist pain. Also, degenerative tears are more common in people over 50.

Luckily, relief from pinky sided wrist pain can be as simple as wearing a proper brace.

carpenter concentrating on cutting board with circular saw wearing bullseye brace wrist band

The Bullseye Wrist Band was designed to provide 360° support and targeted compression around the ulnar head, without putting painful pressure on the wrist bone. It is often recommended for post-operative support, or for addressing pain on the pinkie side of the wrist as a result of TFCC dysfunction.

If you are experiencing ulnar sided wrist pain, don’t suffer in silence or rely on constant pain medication. Speak with your doctor to see if a Bullseye Wrist Band is right for you, and start enjoying pain-free range of motion again.